Several articles by Virginia are here for you as links:
- Storyboards for Picture Books.
- Creating Picture Books.
- How to select a publisher (Understanding the Children's Market)
- Yabby, an example of our suggested formatting for the picture book construction process
- An example of a publisher submission format using the same manuscript
- Gaps in 'Read-Makers': Young Children Finding and Filling Gaps in Stories
- Picture books such as Where the Wild Things Are and The Tale of Peter Rabbit are full of gaps which children fill as they work out the meanings of pictures and text and the relations between the two. Here Rebecca and Ralph are quoted working on their understanding of different titles.
- This article by Virginia Lowe is published in the internet journal Double Dialogues
Stories, Pictures and Reality: Two children tell has been published by Routledge, London (2006). It follows Virginia's two children's development in understanding the reality of books and stories, up to the age of eight. It is particularly interesting on infant book behaviour, about which very little has been published previously.
Contact Virginia on 03 9578 5689 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.